Monday, December 30, 2019

The Road to CFO

The Road to CFOThe Road to CFOTHE ROAD TO CFOOn average, CFOs have9 YEARS of experience in accounting and finance before becoming CFOEmployment with 3 COMPANIES8 YEARS of tenure in their current CFO positionAreas outside of accounting and finance CFOs have worked36% Business development35% Administrative/operations34% Human resources33% Technology23% Sales/marketing14% Public relations/communications12% Legal14% Accounting and finance experience only2% OtherMultiple responses were permitted.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

3 easy ways to stop overthinking your mistakes

3 easy ways to stop overthinking your mistakes3 easy ways to stop overthinking your mistakesI like to think I present as an outwardly normalperson, but underneath that surface is an anxious mind that replays lifes embarrassmentsuntil the tape wears out.Why do I keep calling that guy Ive met multiple times by the wrong name? Will that editor I wanted to impress remember that awkward, vulnerable attempt at networking in excruciating detail, like I still do? Am I asking too many questions in this meeting? My laugh was anxious but it came out inappropriate, and now everyone must think Im a jerk forever.These are all negative thoughts that hound me long after the interaction ends - and they probably hound you too. Its what makes networking so fraught were often afraid well screw up and make enemies instead of friends.But all this worrying is taking up valuable real estate in my mind that I can be putting towards solutions, getting things done, and movingon with my awkward life.Im working on unlearning these bad impulses and heres what Ive learned on this journey towards being okay with my brain.1. Let it go after 7 secondsAll of us have moments when we put our foot in our mouths and say or do something weird, awkward, or unnecessary in public.What you should do next goes against the logic every anxious person feels.Here it is Instead of obsessing overevery detail of this interactionforever, you mustlet that momentgo.Give yourself seven seconds to cringe and process that youre a flawed human being like everyone else, and then release that embarrassment into the ether.Thats the advice Leah Beckmann gave that spoke to my ever-worrying soul. So you got weird at your office Christmas party, she wrote for Jezebel. Give it a full seven seconds, and release it. Yeah, you did make a weird noise with your mouth when you were alone with someone in the kitchen, and? Laugh about it to yourself for exactly seven seconds and then never think about it again. Anything longer is too long.Of course, this advice is for the everyday embarrassments of being human, not the really big screwups. For those, you should try to make amends or clarify, it wasnt my intention. Most people will give you a break.2. Use creative visualization to release negative worriesLetting things go is easier said than done.One way to get good at it Scheduling time in your day formindfulness and reflection helps you become a person who lets things go easily, by allowing you to processideas and anxietiesin constructive ways.Creative visualization is an Oprah-endorsed termfor using your imagination to turn your most positive scenarios into reality. Set a goal, then create a mental prestige of exactly what your goal will look like.The womanwho literally wrote the book on creative visualization, Shakti Gawain, said that if we focuson this image when wererelaxed on a regular basis it will becomean integrated part of your life and more of a reality for you.Or, if you have a worry, picture puttin g it into a bubble and releasing the bubble to the sky. Sound corny? Sure. But try it and see if you dont feel a little lighter afterwards.For us worrywarts, focusing on that mental image can mean creating a reality where were no longer worried, and a bit more free to think of other things.3. Do something elseSometimes, its whenyou try to stop thinking about something that it becomes harder than ever to forget it the old dont think of the pink elephant problem.The solution get your hands and mind occupied with something else, preferably something that requires focus and absorption. Switching tasks can help you stop wallowing and feeling sorry for yourself. Talk with your friends, go out for drinks and do whatever thing forces you to engage with the world around you, instead of your own self-flagellating thoughts.For me, its usually exercise. I dont enjoy yogabut I find the sweaty intentof holding a Warrior III Poseforces me to stay present in the moment. Other people find that a lon g walk, an intense run or even showering helps clear their minds.And if nothing else, know that other people are just as awkward and anxiousas you are, and that we are all on this embarrassing journey called life together.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Work Experience in a Resume - The 2019 Guide with Samples Examples

Work Experience in a Resume - The 2019 Guide with Samples ExamplesWork Experience in a Resume sWhy is our career journey document called a Resume?If youre like Jerome K. Jerome, work fascinates you, and if youre like Charles Lamb, you always arrive late at the office.But how does your prospective employer understand your prejudices and your values? More importantly, how do they know whether you abide by them?Without ambition one canleid abflug work. Well, without a work experience resume section, one canleid start a resume.Apparently, the work experience resume section covers the essence of resume, literally and otherwise.It consumes longest space in the resume and all the other sections in the resume support the role of this section.A resume without any other section would still be useful till the time it has a work experience resume section.There is a correct way of writing this section. And it must be followed to land your dream interviews.Youve been working for quite a while no w. But youre clueless about how to incorporate all your work history in a resume.Your work experience resume will enhance if you make it on Hirations Online Resume Builder.Resume Work Experience SectionThis guide will take you through the followingWhat How to list a work experience resume section - Let us impress the 6-seconds recruiterDos and Donts of a work experience resume sectionKey Take AwaysBefore going further, try our resume builder for a quick and fast resume experience.What to Write in a Work Experience Resume SectionLet us impress the 6-seconds recruiter.Todays recruiters have no more time than 6 seconds to scan each resume work experience section.Those 6 seconds are only reserved for those resume work experience sections which interests a recruiter.Resume work experience sections which come across as a messy pile of information shall not be entertained by the recruiter for more than 3 seconds.So to grab full attention of the recruiter in 6 seconds, what shall be done?C riteria to help you with landing more interviewsClarity of InformationInformation shall be preciseHighlights to look atNeatness in the resume work experience sectionCompany Name and Description in a Work Experience Resume SectionThe entire work experinece section is about how to list your different job experineces in a way that you land maximum interviews.Clarity of InformationIn 6-seconds, the recruiter will not have time to assume information in the resume work experience section.Hence, he would rather throw it in the bin if there is any scope of thinking and comprehending in the resume work experience section left.That is why, company name which is often never missed in resume work experience section is accompanied by the company description.Company description is very important so that there is no scope of confusion with some other company at some other schauplatz.First rule is to add a company description and the second rule is to add the correct description.Given the fact that the recruiter is in not interested in reading a pile of paragraphs, it is important to use a smaller font for company description as compared to the main bullet points.If you use a smaller font, then you can compile more information in one line.Also, the company description can be kept in italics so that the smaller font still remains more readible.For example-Referring to the image, the company description is in a lighter colour of black as compared to company name and other details.It is written in italics and a smaller sized font is used.This is how to list company description.Apart from this, it is important to remember the ground rule while writing a company description Mention Numbers.In the example above, you can see how numbers have been used to describe the company.Essentially, the number of employees, revenues and number of operations define a lot about companys status and reputation.And showing the recruiter through these numbers that you are associated with a reputed br and is a strong point to put across.Such information can be extracted from the companys website or from its Wikipedia page.Some companies which are small and are start ups, do not have such information given on their website or do not have a Wikipedia page.Even if there is some information given, it is not matching the kind of numbers expected to be written there in the description.For example, you might be associated with a start-up which has 10 employees.In such a case, we advise you to leave the company description as sometimes giving information like 10 employees might backfire on you.So, though your company might be doing great work, but in your resume work experience section it would seem to be a really small company which has no future.So ground rule 2 is, if you do not have great information around your company, then better leave it blank.For example, do not write something like this-How to list Resume Work Experience Section Alignment of InformationLooking at the above 2 im ages, we can easily say that there is nothing wrong in the infromation given.However, there is something which needs to be corrected here. What is it?It is alignment.Perhaps the most beautiful feature in content writing which makes the entire document more readible and neat to read is symmetry and using alignment styles.There is a reason why word document has these alignment styles like justified, left and right.It makes the document look much better and its first impression is way better on the reader.Now let us take a look of how to list the same document by changing the alignment of dates and location with company name and job profile-In the image above, we have utilized left alignment style and right alignment style to describe the information.According to the industry standards, company name and job designation shall be kept aligned to the left and date of start and end date and location is aligned to the right.This has the following benefitsIt consumes less space in the resume work experience section as you are done in 2 lines if you are using both left and right alignment.Human brain is accustomed to register better aligned information.More white space lends neat look to your resume work experience section and thus promotes clarity.Work Location in a Resume Work Experience section Full Address or Not?In a professional resume work experience section, work location is of paramount importance.It tells the recruiter whether you would have to change your city or country for his job.It also gives an impression around the kind of company you must be working in. Because all big MNCs are generally in metropolitans.Full address describing the floor number, house no., street number is definitely not required.Just a simple mention of city and country is enough detail for the recruiter to make an impression.Structure of Work ExperienceThe best way to showcase your relevant experience to grab maximum interviews is put a structure to it.Let us understand from an examp le again-One-liner Bullet PointsIt is great to put information around what you have done in form of one-liner bullet points.If you have given a geschftlicher umgang presentation, you very well understand the importance of using bullets.By far, you must have read enough information on this.But how to list those bullets in the main criteria.Bullet points should not finish half way. Try to bring them to the finish line to make this section look symmetrical.Cause-Effect RelationshipAlso, each bullet should reflect a cause-effect relationship.For each task performed, mention the outcome of the same.For exampleConducting end to end effective media evaluation targeting maximum ROI by coordinating with key media providersorExecuted the brand promotions werbung for national international markets leading to vol. improvement of 15% in 2 yearsorCollaborating with the sales team to analyze and implement marketing initiativesIn all the examples, there is a cause and effect mentioned in one lin e.Such a statement forms a high impact on the recruiters mind.Let us rephrase above examples in small bullets without any cause-effect relationship-Executed the brand promotions publicity for national international marketsImproved sales volume by 15% in 2 yearsCollaborating with the sales teamAnalyzed and implemented marketing initiativesSo now, 2 things come out of this exampleCause-effect relationship statements imply a better meaning to what you have done.Small bullet points take up more space in the resume work experience section.So it is better to always keep in mind to showcase the cause-effect relationship and state better points.BucketingAdditionally, lot of bullet points become a pile of information uncomfortable to read and analyze.In the 6-seconds, recruiter has to make sense out of many bullet points written there, the bullet points hould be put under the sub heading.Sub-headings eventually form key skills in your resume work experience section.So always construct sub- headings in alignment with the key words used in the job description mentioned and your relevant experience.Example Let us look at a resume work experience section without any bucketing done-And now look at the same work experience resume with bucketing done-Comparing the examples, it is easily seen that the resume work experience section with bucketing is highly readable, easy to be analyzed and helpful in making a positive decision.Keep in mind the following things when you are bucketing-Club points under same heading.For example If you have 4-5 points of sales and business development then they can be clubbed under 1 heading Sales Business Development.Do not put more than 4 to 5 points in a single bucket.Highlight the bucket.BoldingAs mentioned many a times, highlighting play a very important part in a resume work experience section.Bold all the majore points in the relevant experience that you write. Highlighting relevant experience in the resume work experience is very importa nt as by doing so you will make the recruiter directly read your relevant experience for the profile that you are applying for.

Monday, December 16, 2019

The power breakfast at The Plaza Hotel is everything you want

The power breakfast at The Plaza Hotel is everything you wantThe power breakfast at The Plaza Hotel is everything you wantThere are many different kinds of breakfast. There is the grab and go (which I am most accustomed to.) Though it is isnt the fanciest it does have some appeal in that you can do it mid-commute whether you are on a train, walking or driving (however the chances of spills go up a notch here as does your ability to text at the saatkorn time.) There is the sit-down but finish as quickly as possible because you really dont have time for this but then you can tell people you have a sit-down breakfast breakfast. Then there is the complete breakfast from the cereal commercials of year past which in addition to a giant bowl of cereal included eggs, a large slab of meat, orange juice, milk, a cup of coffee, a cartoon mascot and usually a rooster near the window because clearly to eat that much you were about to go work on a farm all day.But perhaps the greatest of all the b reakfasts is the Power Breakfast. But how did the power breakfast come to be? Well, the term breakfast welchesnt invented until the 15th century and I imagine it being proceeded by the da sagst du was power came about around the same time as the power suit and power walking which all belonged to the amazing decade that was the 1980s. So I am thinking it was somewhere in that timespan? Actually after some research it turns out that the term was invented byPreston Robert Tisch, co-founder of Loews hotel chain and chairman of the New York Convention and Visitors Bureau in the 1970s.The first power breakfastWhen he and other business leaders were trying to prevent Manhattan from going bankrupt, they started meeting in the dining room of the Loews Regency hotel to discuss the issues (his smart suggestion of course.) Soon it became the go-to place for morning breakfast meetings for the business elite of New York.Well talk and figure this out, New York restaurant consultant Clark intertrig o told Eater. It was a very effective word of mouth campaign to get New York going in the right direction again. People table hopped like crazy. It was a networking epicenter with some of the most important business deals coming to fruitionwith bacon on the side.Networking with coffeeThough it may have started at the Loews Regency, the power breakfast quickly caught on and a number of other famous hotels entered the race including the Knickerbocker Hotel, the very glamorous Palm Court at The Plaza Hotel and The Four Seasons. Smaller, hip hotels have joined the pack too with their own spin on things including The Ace Hotel, The Nomad, and restaurants The Breslin and Mercer Kitchen to name a few. These crowds consist more of young, hip tech entrepreneurs, the fashion crowd and influencers.Perhaps it is something about the morning that just signifies productivity. In 2014 London Breakfast Meetings Week (LBMW) surveyed more than 100 employees who had attended at least one breakfast meet ing in the past two years and found that 71% agreed or strongly agreed that breakfast meetings are much more productive than later in the day. Sixty-five percent said they found it easier to concentrate at morning meetings and three quarters said a short breakfast meeting was less disruptive to their day. Plus 72% of the surveyed said they were more alert and enthusiastic at breakfast meetings.Power breakfasts are the annoyingly perky, morning-person older sibling of brunch (AKA your drunk, lazy brother.) CNN Money even declared that power breakfasts the new power lunch (also who even has time for lunch anymore?)Morra Aarons-Mele, owner of the digital agency Women Online and author of Hiding in the Bathroom How to Get Out There When Youd Rather Stay Home, told CNN they are just so much more time effective than lunch or drinks as you can do them even before you sit down to work. You know like starting your day with sun salutations in yoga? Its like that, she says. I leave breakfast w ith a spring in my step. A breakfast thats a good networking opportunity or a good catch-up makesme feel like Im part of a community, makes me feel more confident and also inspired. No one has ever said that about a glass of pinot grigio after work.The Plazas Palm Court legendary power breakfastI decided to test out the theory by having a power breakfast with a friend that also doubled as a meeting because she is a publicist that I work with on projects. We chose the most glamorous of all the power breakfasts at the legendary Palm Court at The Plaza Hotel. A big component of the power breakfast is to be sitting in an absolutely beautiful place while talking shop (which we did in between fawning over our meals and Instagramming everything) and that is certainly The Palm Court.It was once said, Nothing unimportant ever happens at The Plaza, so clearly there have been many an important power breakfast there. And how could you not be inspired looking at that gorgeous room where Truman C apote used to hold his famous Black and White ball (ok that was in the grand ballroom but same vicinity.) Renovated in 2014 by Master Architect Thierry Despont he wanted you to feel like you were in Central Park but indoors (so best of both worlds really) with its potted plants, ceiling-high palm trees, trellis detailing, giving it a glamorous yet almost open-air ambiance. Plus is there any place more classic New York than The Plaza?Power breakfasts for the winNow Kevin McAllister may have been all about ordering out for a cheese pizza at the Plaza, but he was missing out as the breakfast menu at The Palm Court (servedMon-Fri 630am 1100 am, and Sat-Sun 700 am 1100 am) as it would equip anyone to feel like they could take on the world. It was so hard to choose between theThePlazaEggs Benedict, Steak and Eggs, Brioche French Toast or the Hudson Valley Oak Smoked Salmon but I ended up choosing The New Yorker (two organic farm eggs any style, choice of meat, choice of toast) because i t just screamed power. Combined with my cup of coffee in the loveliest monogrammed china cup, plus a fresh cup of orange juice, I was in the most jovial mood and once I channeled my inner Bette Midler in Big Business I got a lot of important talking points accomplished.I also wasnt hungry three hours later which is often the case after I eat the half Luna bar that I find at the bottom of my purse. For once, I was satiated. A morning workout can also inspire this kind of energy but that feeling only lasts for a few hours and then I am quite tired. The power breakfast may just be the answer to a really productive day. After a quick nod to the legendary Eloise painting nearby I was ready to take on the world. After all, according to Eloise, being bored is not allowed.Now you probably dont have time for a power breakfast everyday, but do consider working it into the rotation when you can. Its a real game changer.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

FAQs About American Business Womens Day

FAQs About American geschftliches miteinander Womens DayFAQs About American Business Womens DayEvery year on September 22, the United States celebrates American Business Womens Day. The first annual event was held on September 22, 1982, and was officially recognized by congressional proclamation in 1983 and again in 1986. American Business Womens Day is a day platzset aside to honor and reflect upon the contributions and accomplishments of the millions of U.S. women in the workforce, and women business owners.There is no counterpart day of celebration to specifically honor American businessmenwhich some argue is unfair to men. However, the day was not created to disregard the accomplishments of men, but simply to bring to light those made by women both known and not well known, who often do not get credit in day-to-day life for their contributions and accomplishments. Who Started American Business Womens Day? The organization responsible for starting this national day of recognit ion for business women is the American Business Womens Association, a professional network for women in business and women business owners. Who Is The American Business Womens Association? The American Business Womens Association (ABWA) was founded on September 22, 1949 to bring together businesswomen of diverse occupations and to provide opportunities for them to help themselves and others grow personally and professionally through leadership education, networking support and national recognition. Today, the ABWA offers a wide variety of membership based resources and networking opportunities for business women, female entrepreneurs, and for women who work from home. The ABWA offers local chapters ins some areas of the U.S., but local membership is not required to become a member of the ABWA. Members can take advantage of ABWAs online training programs and earn business certificates. The ABWA celebrates women on National American Business Womens Day, as well as through awards a nd other forms of recognition. To learn more about the ABWA, visit their website Profiles and Stories of Inspiring Women Here are just a few inspiring women that have made significant contributions and a positive impact for women that you may not have heard of but whom you should know about. Biography of Lilly Ledbetter, Husband, Children A personalbiography of Mrs. Lilly McDaniel Ledbetter. Her husband, children, grandchildren, and the amazing personal story of how she helped to change the law to make employers who discriminate against workers accountable for unfair wage practices. Biography of Leslie Scott, Inventor of Jenga and Co-Founder of Oxford Games Biography of Leslie Scott. Scott successfully navigated the male-dominated toy business to launch Jenga at the London Toy Fair. However, she would later sign her rights away before annual schlussverkauf rose for Jenga soared into the millions. A decision made while still a new entrepreneur and something Scott re grets as Jenga remains the second best-selling game in the world. Profile of Dr. Deborah Berebichez, The Science Babe Profile of Dr. Deborah Berebichez - Dr. Berebichez is the first Mexican-born woman to earn her Ph.D. in physics from Stanford University. Known as the Science Babe, she shows us how physics can fun and encourages more women to enter into scientific fields. Guest article by Joe Hefferon. Angelina Jolie Humanitarian, Business Woman, Author, and Celebrity a Business biography of Angelina Jolie. Jolies personal information, family life, education as well as information about her humanitarian efforts, business investments, books, and the Angelina Jolie stock index. Female College Dropouts Who Still Became Rich, Famous, and Successful Think you have to be a college grad to be rich, famous or successful? These women did not think so and dropped out of college. binnensee our list of women college dropouts who went on to become anything but failures.

Friday, December 6, 2019

What Everybody Dislikes About How Many Skills to List on Resume and Why

What Everybody Dislikes About How Many Skills to List on Resume and Why So How About How Many Skills to List on Resume? If people focus too much on creating a point instead of listening and finding the root of an issue conflict emerges and intensifies. The key issue is to incorporate a dedicated skills section on your resume, and make sure that it has the precise skills demanded in the work description and that which you are aware of the providers demands and work culture. Some individuals have had as many as 90 jobs in the belastung ten years, therefore it only makes sense theyre confused and dont understand how many jobs to improve their resume. Superb people skills are a critical portion of what makes you such a standout employee whod be an asset to any company that offers you an opportunity to shine. Getting the Best How Many Skills to List on Resume Look through the work description and see whether any soft skills are mentioned. Hard skills have a tendency to be requir ements, directly implicated in the duties of a particular position or job, while soft skills enable you to stick out among the remainder of the qualified candidates. They are important because they take a lot of training that may not be practical on the job. They are quantifiable and often learned from school or on the job. The How Many Skills to List on Resume Game Make certain you include this on your resume if it is a requirement for the job which youre applying for. The nuts and bolts of that skill set will incorporate the tough skills an applicant will have to have in order to satisfy their duties. Spend time prior to each application targeting and tweaking your resume to coincide with the application. Soft skills on the opposite hand, are not just useful across multiple industries, but are an amazing tool for standing out from different candidates who all possess the identical hard skills. Heres What I Know About How Many Skills to List on Resume Then make a list of y our matching skills that youre able to incorporate in your resume. If you have the ability to compose programs in them all, definitely list them. So want to get the list to be effortless to read. As you proceed through the list of skills above, make a distinct list with the skills which you already possess. Whispered How Many Skills to List on Resume Secrets Dont say youve advanced Excel skills as that will mean various things to various folks. Soft skills are a little bit more vague and open to interpretation. These challenging language skills have to do the job. For instance, first list all of your computer related abilities and list your language related skills. Finding How Many Skills to List on Resume zugnglich Soft skills arent that measurable. They tend to be highly transferable skills and can be molded to fit any type of job. Both hard skills and soft skills are essential in order to be noticed and work nicely with a corporation. Your transferable abilities, oft en called soft abilities, are skills which you can apply to any job you might do, no matter the specifics. Soft abilities, on the flip side, arent simple to quantify. Key skills are work-related skills that you will need to do a job. As stated earlier, assessing soft skills is significantly more difficult. In reality, there are dozens and dozens of skills you may have. There are three kinds of resumes, each with its own benefits and pitfalls. If you wish to showcase your organization skills, obtaining a tightly structured resume certainly helps. On the flip side, soft abilities, also referred to as interpersonal or social abilities, are the ones which you have as personal qualities or you get through professional experiences. So How About How Many Skills to List on Resume? Before you submit your resume to make an application for work, take the opportunity to examine and refresh your resume so that its going to provide you with the ideal opportunity to have the interview. Wh en dream jobs come up, you can rest assured that therell be a lot of applicants all vying to find that interview and the sole thing youve got to secure a seat on the opposite side of the desk is your resume. To begin with, if youre seeing a great deal of hard skills that you just dont have, it could be better to move on to the next position. Thus when writing down your job skills take some time to strategize and find out the ideal approach to organize them in your resume. The One Thing to Do for How Many Skills to List on Resume After youve done that, youre prepared to gather your Skills section. This section might be a superb approach to demonstrate the employer youre a fantastic fit beyond the skilled abilities and abilities section. A Key Skills section, on the flip side, is listed on top of a resume. How Many Skills to List on Resume Can Be Fun for Everyone It is possible to find below a list of the greatest skills you may put on your resume based on the kind of job that you are applying for. Once it means your skills are more in demand, in addition, it means there are a sortiment of new tools you could need to learn to be able to create a thriving career. Read through it a couple of occasions and youll probably spot three or four vital skills mentioned repeatedly throughout the document. Review their About Us page and see whether your soft abilities or attributes are aligned with the businesss core values.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Signs Your Recruiting Process Needs A Makeover

Signs Your Recruiting Process Needs A MakeoverAlysseMetzler tellsyou how to know your recruitingprocess needs a makeoverClick To TweetIn the 18th episode of The Recruiting Reel, Alysse Metzler, Owner of Career Innovations and author of The Recruiting Snitch, provides some clues on to determine your recruiting process needs a makeover and what you can do about it. Heres the transcriptJosh TolanMy name is Josh Tolan and Im the CEO of Spark Hire, the leading video interviewing platform used by thousands of organizations around the world.And this is The Recruiting Reel, a video series in which we discuss real recruiting challenges with prominent recruiting experts to provide you with actionable tips you can apply to your own recruiting.I am thrilled to introduce todays guest, Alysse Metzler. Alysse is a senior recruiter forand has over 13 years of corporate recruiting experience.She authored and self-published a book called The Recruiting Snitch which provides job binnenseekers with secr ets on how to land their dream job.Thankfully, Alysse welches able to take some time out of her extremely busy schedule to talk about the signs that indicate your recruiting process needs a makeover.Take it away AlysseAlysse MetzlerSo, the topic today is, what are the top signs that is may be time to rethink your recruiting process? I thought this welches a good one.The SignsThe very first thing I want to talk about, was you start to notice candidates are backing out the the recruiting process for no apparent reason. Thats not a fun thing to go through.Secondly, you just cant seem to find quality candidates as easy as you could in the past. I think weve all hit that rut before.Finally, your administrative work has been taking up a majority of your day and time spent recruiting has decreased drastically. I think that as recruiters, we do have a lot of administrative duties, and we do find ourselves getting caught up in that throughout the day and not even being able to get on the pho ne or start to source or recruit any new candidates.So, those three signs show its time to rethink your recruiting process. You arent providing a good candidate experience anymore, you arent able to find quality anymore, and you really dont have the time so source actual talent.Think about the candidate experienceSo, what are the steps to get out of that rut? Put yourself in the candidates shoes first. If youre asking them to jump through way too many hoops and wait long periods of time without any updates, you know you wouldnt want to feel that way and you wouldnt want to go through that, so maybe, its time to look at your process.By doing that, analyze your process and work with your hiring managers to see where you can trim the fat and maybe trim out some of those hoops that they have to jump through. And then I like to implement something called Follow Up Fridays and Turn Down Tuesdays. That way, your candidates are constantly being communicated with if you implement Follow Up F ridays you know at least every week your candidate is hearing from you.Go back to the basicsSecondly, get back to the basics. Attend a networking event or a career fair. I know these are all things we may have done in the beginning of our careers, but weve stopped. So, get yourself out in the community and really be that subject matter expert and the goto person of employment within your local community. Take maybe an AIRS certification class and educate yourself on new ways of finding talent.Get more out of your recruitment softwareAnd finally, look at your applicant tracking system and see where there are some things that can be automated. Maybe create a template system, or hiring an admin even part time just to do some of your administrative work. Because you know the amount of time youre doing administrative work is detrimental to your organization because its pulling you away from recruiting.Thats it for now, I hope it was a lot of help for youThanksJosh TolanWow, thank you so much Alysse. Not only did you provide the audience with the warning signs of a recruiting process in need of a makeover, but you also offered tips on where to start.I really like your idea for Turn Down Tuesdays and Follow Up Fridays. Dedicating blocks of time for communicating with your candidates is not only a great practice, but its a repeatable framework.Recruiting teams should take this advice and apply it to other areas of their strategy.The more repeatable you can make a process, the easier it is to keep your team accountable for following it. Keep this in mind as you begin to makeover your recruiting strategy.Thank you to Alysse Metzler for coming on the show today. Head over to to learn more about Alysses book. Also, follow her on Twitter AlysseMetzler.Thank you for watching The Recruiting Reel and stay tuned for more episodes. For additional HR and recruiting content, head over to and subscribe. Also, follow us on Twitter, sparkhire. A nd subscribe to our YouTube channel to be the first to know about the newest episodes of The Recruiting Reel.Thanks again for watching and happy recruiting

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How to Ask for Time Off at Your New Job (the Right Way)

How to Ask for Time Off at Your New Job (the Right Way)How to Ask for Time Off at Your New Job (the Right Way)Ah, summer. The time of year when your thoughts turn to tan lines and drinks with little umbrellas in them- unless, of course, youve just started a new job. In which case, youre probably staring jealously at your friends Instagram pictures and wondering how youre going to survive the summer without going on a single trip.The good news is, just because youre a new employee doesnt mean you have to give up your travel plans. To get the scoop, read on for answers to some of the most common questions about taking vacation at a new job.I just started a new job- when is it okay to take a vacation?After I graduated from college, someone gave me a piece of advice I always abide by Dont ask for any time off during the first three months of your job. Think of it as a probationary period in which youre trying to prove your worth- which is hard to do if youre sipping margaritas on the bea ch.After youve been at a job for three months, youve likely accrued a little vacation time and youre ready for a break from the 9-to-5 grind. At this point, its usually acceptable to ask for one day off for every month youve worked after your self-imposed probation. (Obviously, this varies depending on your companys time-off policy and how much vacation time youre given.) In general, though, if you started working in March and didnt take any time off in March, April, or May, youre not going to raise any eyebrows if you ask for a day or two off in July.The exception to this rule comes if youre working at a company thats super-relaxed or touts vacation time as a major perk. Some start-ups and small companies cant pay their employees high salaries, so they try to make up for it with flexible schedules and lots of vacation days. If youre not sure what your companys culture is, look for some common cues. Has your babo asked you what trips youve got planned for the summer? Are otherbei ne w employees taking a long weekend over Independence Day? If so, you may be okay to bend the three-month vacation rule a bit.Ive been at a company for a few months, but Im mucksmuschenstill getting the hang of things. How can I determine the best time to book my trip for?As a new employee, the last thing you want to do is book a vacation during the busiest time of year or find out that your days off conflict with a critical meeting. So, do some research before you start looking at flights. If youre not sure when your companys busy season is, ask a fellow employee.You can also bring it up with your boss (and should, in most cases). A simple, Id like to use some of my vacation days this fall, and Im wondering what the best time to be out of the office would be, will help you schedule a stress-free vacation and show your boss that you take your job responsibilities seriously.My boss is a little intimidating. Whats the best way to approach her about taking vacation time?If you have a no- nonsense boss, it can be a little scary to ask for vacation, even if youre entitled to time off. To make sure the conversation goes as smoothly as possible, broach the subject at the right time, like after youve wowed your boss with everything youve accomplished in your weekly status meeting or on a quiet Friday afternoon when she likely has time to chat. And definitely ask for the days off, rather than tell her that youre taking them. A simple, I have three vacation days, and Id like to use them the week of September 9. Is that possible, and does that work for the team? works perfectly.After youve gotten verbal approval, document the vacation on your calendar and send your boss a reminder a week or two before the big day that says something like, Just a reminder that Im going to be out on vacation Monday through Thursday, but Ill get that report to you Friday afternoon for review. This lets you kill two birds with one stone Youve made sure that your vacation is still on your boss r adar, and youve let her know that youre working hard to get everything set before you leave.My boss keeps sending me emails while Im trying to relax on the beach. Do I need to respond?Every workplace has a different expectation when it comes to staying connected on vacation. Its best to ask your boss ahead of time what he needs from you before you leave the office and what he expects while youre out of town. For example, does he want a quick update on the status of all your projects before you head out of the office? Will you need to check your email on a regular basis or just provide your boss with a way to reach you if any work-related emergencies arise?If you didnt have this conversation with your boss before you left, play it safe. Respond to important or time-sensitive office emails as best as you can, even if it means setting aside a few minutes each morning and evening for a little work. If your boss doesnt need a response until youre back from vacation, hell probably let you know.Im interviewing for a new job, but I havent been offered the position. When should I tell them about the vacation I just booked?Unless your vacation is a trip to the Amazon thats going to take you out of the country for a month, theres no need to announce it until an offer has been made. Once the company has extended an offer, you can ask HR or the hiring manager if they can accommodate your vacation plans. Again, remember to be courteous and ask for- but dont demand- the days off. If you end up accepting the job, youll want to make sure that youve started your employment off on the right foot.In short, you dont have to resign yourself to a boring summer just because you started a new job. By knowing how and when to ask for vacation, you can impress at your new job while still satisfying your wanderlust.Photo of man relaxed courtesy of Shutterstock.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Lying on Your Resume

Lying on Your ResumeLying on Your ResumeAmid fierce competition for every single job, where do you draw the line between embellishing and lying on your resume?The Wall Street Journal examined the careers and resumes of 358 senior-level executives and directors at 53 publicly traded companies. The result At least seven top executives at Americas largest companies invented academic degrees they didnt have.Inflated academic credentials in the nations executive suites may be more common than generally thought, wrote the author Keith J. Winstein in the November 2008 issue of The Wall Street Journal. But is it really a problem? And amid the heavy competition for a jobs, wheres the line between putting your best foot forward and outright lying?In times when competition for a single job is high, its easy to entertain the thought of embellishing a resume. But its still true Regardless of the job-market climate and regardless of the level of the candidates experience, personal integrity matter s, and it counts on a resume.Resumes do bedrngnis have to provide every conceivable fact to the potential employer. You can leave out dates, certain past employment and material details. The truth is you can lie. Yes, you can. But you do it at your own peril. Attorneys who represent employers find this is as good a reason as any to prove you wrong in court.Courts are holding that material misrepresentations on an employment application and resume constitute just cause to terminate an employment contract reduce or deny benefits, including disability benefitsIf you are an excellent rsum writer, you will counsel someone who may feel desperate enough to lie to notlagelage do so. Each and every certified professional rsum writer and career coach I know encourages clients to tell us the truth so we can coach and create proper documents and search strategies for them. In fact, its hard to coach someone on a lie anyway. Most career professionals and the clients they serve agree that a rsum needs to be a marketing tool, a persuasive document that does not need (even in the case of federal rsums) to dump information on the reader just to be truthful.It wears well to use credible, reliable facts and achievements to build the case for our career-transition clients. Thats what we do, in the fruchtwein inventive ways. Clients pay us for that keen and uniquely individualized perspective. But its not what we do that gets clients into trouble. They get into trouble by permitting themselves to lie to us and ultimately to potential employers.People lie to their professional resume writers - and if they then populate these lies on LinkedIn and other professional, bio-driven sites, they are creating even more problems and fuel for attorneys. Falsification has had a nice run on the Internet. Many people use the same techniques as an identity thief. The Internet provides a fountain of information, resources, databases to hack into, mock degrees and everything else for someone who w ants to do this wrong right.How big a problem is resume fraud?It has been reported that 90 percent of the personnel directors surveyed by the SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) reported finding resume untruths ranging from past salaries to personal identification.Further, it costs companies and organizations billions of dollars to hire new candidates every year. These candidate costs can often average $5,000 or more to find, hire and properly onboard a new employee. Looking at the big picture, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners estimates that occupational fraud and abuse costs organizations more than $600 billion annually, or roughly 6 percent of gross revenues.Educational backgrounds seem to be the most fertile ground for fraud. It gets easy to make false scholastic claims changing areas of concentration and adding majors, minors and degrees never obtained. Usually fraud comes through in changes in employment dates, salary manipulation, job titles and duties, an d omitting negative records that may come up on background checks.Although its not their job, career coaches and outplacement specialists continue to advocate honesty in their practices, to teach and even educate clients how they can creatively and imaginatively promote, but not falsify, their backgrounds to earn new positions, promotions and job assignments.Recruiters look for incongruities and evidence that demonstrate the candidate does not have the background to match her qualifications. But even with strong recruiters, background checks and previous employer verifications, many clients squeak through. Time becomes a factor, and companies sometimes figure out that they can prove resume fraud later if they need to so its to their advantage perhaps not to invest company time and money until they must.Lets turn the tables a bit Have you done a background check, employment verification and criminal records history on every babysitter who has ever worked for you? Wouldnt you like to know who will be watching your kids? Should you do this? Are your kids worth it? But the answer is probably no, isnt it? Its human nature to take the easy way out of situations, and unfortunately its people who handle hiring.So there you have it tell the truth, whether it be on your resume, your job application, or who broke the window with the baseball. Very few people have a blemish-free past or the perfect credentials for the perfect job.It is far better to know how to face the blemishes of your career head-on than simply to cover them up with lies. Good resume writers and career coaches can help job seekers gain perspective on imperfections and imaginatively present your past, thus eliminating the need to lie. Tell the truth in securing new work opportunities. You will face enough challenges and worries once you have the job. Dont take short cuts to get there take the higher road.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

5 ways to invest in your career

5 ways to invest in your career5 ways to invest in your careerIt may seem counterintuitive to spend money on your job when your job is meant tomakeyou money, but the reality is thatsometimes its worth spending a little bit of extra cash to invest in a career.Any money that you put into sharpening your professional skills or making you look mora professional should come back to you in spades when your boss (both current and future) sees all the effort youve put in.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreHere are some of the best ways to smartly invest in your careerProfessional coursesSure there are plenty of ways to hone your skills while on the job, but that can take time, especially if youre teaching yourself. If you instead decide to take some classes, you might be able to garner those saatkorn skills- taught to you by a professional- in a shorter period of time. As an added bonus, t heres always the chance that your current employer will be willing to pay for, or at least chip in for,classes that further your job skills.Professional clothesEven if you work remotely or as a freelancer,dressing for your role is a big part of success. You might be surprised how throwing on a pencil skirt and blousemakes you instantly feel more professional, as opposed to working in yoga pants from your bed. You dont need to spend a ton here to make a difference, either. A couple of staples- like some white shirts, a couple of skirts, and a few pairs of pants- should do it.Setting up your home officeEspecially if you work remotely- but even if you only occasionally need to work from home- it helps toupdate your office with at least the basics. A good computer (assuming your company doesnt provide one), a printer, and a scanner are probably a must, but some additional things like anergonomic chair, some plants, and good lighting will go a long way as well.A professional portfolio re viewThese days its about way more than your resume- your name is probably out there in more ways than one, from Facebook and Twitter toyour own professional website. Sincefirst impressions are so important, it doesnt hurt to have a social media expert help you out by looking over your existing profiles to catch any glaring things that you might want to change. If youre in a career where branding is important, these people can help ensure that your objectives are clear across all of your channels as well. While were at it, it might not hurt to have a professional help you set up your website (especially if that type of thing really isnt your schtick) and glance over your resume.Leadership coursesBesides any courses that might help you further your specific professional skills (like copy editing, for example, or writing code), you might alsoconsider signing up for a class that teaches leadership skills. Its pretty much a given that in any type of career,leadership skills are a must, a nd an employer that sees youve taken the manahme to improve your own is sure to be impressed.Taking the time to up your professional game doesnt have to cost a ton- especially if you spread the suggestions out over a given period- butinvesting in your job in strategic wayscould actually be one of the smartest things you do to advance your career.This article first appeared on Flexjobs.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people